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DRY JANUARY: Top flowering garden plants for hot summers

25 January 2024 -
DRY JANUARY: Top flowering garden plants for hot summers

Dry January is a well-known international campaign with the aim of becoming more alcohol conscious. Evanthia likes to take this inspiring initiative a little wider this month: being more conscious about water and watering our indoor and garden plants in particular. Climate change is affecting our weather patterns and making them more extreme, as well as making natural resources more limited. It requires changes in our behaviour, more efficient water use and making different choices when making purchases. This week we look at: Flowering garden plants for hot summers.


After a blisteringly wet December in many places in Europe and around the world, too low groundwater levels may not be a broad concern now. But experience from past years tells us that even before the growing season begins, much of that water supply will be gone. The result: scorching summer heat that shrivels up carefully grown plants in the garden? Not if you choose the right plants! We have listed some summer toppers for you that can tolerate the heat, flourish in the sun and look great too. These drought-tolerant plants can keep any border and window box colourful, even when rainfall is low and the heat is relentless. All excellent choices for a colourful and irresistible summer offering.

Well prepared for heat and drought

  • Agapanthus: Great drought- and frost-resistant plants, excellent for borders and pots. Evanthia offers seeds for white or blue colours, popular varieties like Queen Anne, Peter Pan and Getty White.
  • Cosmos: Easy to grow, performs excellently in dry and hot conditions. Cosmos Sonata™ is the best choice in garden cosmos because of its flowering potential. Recommended for 13-15 cm pots.
  • Gazania: Extreme heat and drought tolerance. Gazania New Day® has uniform flowering, compact sturdy plants, short stems and larger flowers. Versatile; does beautifully in containers and baskets, and in garden borders or as ground cover.
Well prepared for heat and drought

  • Lavandula: Well able to withstand dry periods. Plant Lavender in full sun in sandy soil and the plants will be happy. Our own Lavadula Cleo-Patio® is genetically compact, has excellent branching and robust, grey-green foliage. With numerous bright blue flowers and a lovely fragrance, Cleo-Patio graces the garden. Great to use in borders or as hedges, but also in pots on the patio or balcony. While maintaining its compact shape, Cleo-Patio® shows an exceptionally long flowering period, thanks to its many flowering side branches. READ MORE >
  • Osteospermum: Once established, Spanish Daisies can easily handle periods of dry weather, making them suitable for water-wise landscaping and xeriscaping. The Osteospermum Akila® series is a compact series from seed with great uniformity and colour spectrum. Excellent branching assures better pot fill and great bench-to-garden performance.
  • Salvia: Our Salvia Matches Red has firm, fiery red straight up flowers that contrast beautifully with the dark green foliage. Flowering starts early in the season and lasts long, even during dry summers. Ideal for both flower beds and window boxes.
  • Tagetes: Once firmly in place, African and French Marigolds can withstand periods of drought. They bring warm and fiery colours and are ideal for borders, border plantings and pots. The Tagetes Taishan® series is the best choice for landscaping, with short, thick stems and large, full flowers.
  • Vinca: Tolerates heat, drought and full sun. Available in a wide spectrum of sweet, tropical colours. We recommend the top series Pacifica XP and Titan™.
  • Zinnia: Long-lasting flowering power in landscaping, especially in sunny, hot and dry conditions. Choose single- or double-flowered series and be amazed by the extensive colour spectrum of the Zinnia Zahara™ series.


After looking at our wide collection of pot & bedding plants, could you use some advice on putting together the range that suits your specific business and customer base? Contact our sales managers or support staff. They will be happy to help you on your way.