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Slow Flowers • in cooperation with nature

Sustainable solutions in cut flowers
1 July 2024 - Monster, the Netherlands
Slow Flowers • in cooperation with nature

Good • Clean • Fair • Local

Slow food, slow travel, slow fashion…. Slow Flowers! The “Slow movement” is not a fleeting trend but a new, sustainable way of acting, producing, consuming and appreciating – as a counterpart to mass production and mass consumption with all its negative pressures and consequences. Within the flower sector too, there is an increasingly active search for a new balance, in collaboration with nature.


Seasonal, regional products in the originally right periods (defined by nature itself), grown in an eco-friendly way as much as possible, for the benefit of local sales – that is what Slow Flowers is all about.

Slow Flowers is a wonderful concept that offers numerous possibilities. More and more entrepreneurs within the floriculture chain are responding to it, translating it to creative new ideas and products. As a breeder and producer of starting material, Evanthia looks closely at seasonal assortment selection, own production and possibilities to offer our growers solutions that allow them to produce in a sustainable way. These include cool grown crops, sustainable substrate applications, genetic compactness and resilience to more extreme weather conditions, diseases and pests.


Forgotten flowers, natural field bouquets and cutting gardens are more popular than ever and translate perfectly to the “good • clean • fair • local” principle. Products that fit into these concepts can be found in great variety in our range of products.

Companies in other links of the chain, such as Fam Flower Farm (with On the way to Planet Proof quality mark) and organic nursery & flower studio Plukatelier, are making huge steps forward in sustainability, inspiration and education – all the way to the consumer.

15 essential items for a summer cutting garden

When you dive into the world of seasonal flowers and the surprising beauty each season brings to your specific region, you will discover that the choice is almost endless. Look for native plants that support local eco-systems and pollinators, or explore the possibilities of offering dried flowers. Be inspired by nature!


Just a few beautiful summer flowers for a showy, summer cutting garden:


• Love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena): unusual balloon-shaped seed pods offer a unique texture

• Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus): lush full clusters of unique snapdragon flowers in soft hues

• Strawflower (Helichrysum): bold eye-catchers in sparkling colours

• Forget-me-not (Myosotis): romance and nostalgia with these endearing blue petit flowers

• Feverfew (Tanacetum): cheerful bouquet booster with a spicy fragrance and an abundance of flowers, semi-spherical or single-flowered

• Throatwort (Trachelium caeruleum): semi-spherical clusters with small star-shaped flowers

• Sunflowers (Helianthus): in addition to the sunny yellow varieties, discover flamed types, unusual flower shapes and special colours

• Wild carrot (Daucus): charming red/purple umbels with a lacy texture and sturdy stems

• Safflower (Carthamus): thistle-like cut flower/dry flower in shades of orange and yellow

• Summer aster (Callistephus): semi-double flowers with a striking yellow heart and summery hues

• Larkspur (Delphinium): bright spikes full of flowers in the familiar shades of blue and purple, but also available in white and pink shades

• Hare’s ear (Bupleurum): delicate, soft yellow/green flowers – very strong, long-flowering bouquet booster

• Bishop’s weed (Ammi majus): white/green umbels with lacy textures

• Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus – biennial): sweet scented, numerous variegated flowers in pretty spherical umbels

• Ornamental grasses (such as Panicum, Pennisetum, Setaria): delicate, feathery, cuddly spikes, graceful blades, and beautiful panicles – indispensable in dreamy field bouquets

10 Dutch cutting gardens filled with summer flowers!

Get inspired by the most beautiful cutting gardens in the Netherlands! Seasonal flowers are trending and more and more cutting gardens are popping up, where consumer can buy or even pick their own lowers. For you, we have listed some of our favourites:


De Garden – Enkhuizen (NH)

Do it yourselves – Winterswijk (GE)

De Sfeerstal – Nieuwveen (ZH)

Pluktuin Stoutenburg – Stoutenburg (UT)

Essenhoeve – Cadzand (ZE)

Pluktuin Bakkum – Bakkum (NH)

Pluktuin Amstelveen – Amstelveen (NH)

De Twentse Bloemenpluktuin

Bloemenliefde – Ouddorp (ZH)

Hanneke’s Pluktuin – Biddinghuizen (FL)

10 Dutch cutting gardens filled with summer flowers!

Do you have a cutting garden filled with seasonal flowers yourself or do you know of one in your region that should definitely be on top of our international list? Let us know! Let us know!



Wanna know more about Slow Flowers, our product range of seasonal flowers or sustainable production? We would love to get in touch with you!