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Antirrhinum majus F1 Avignon Apricot II
Antirrhinum Avignon Apricot II is a beautifully coloured snapdragon variety, with the upper lip of the snapdragon going more towards pink and the lower lip more towards orange. A fantastic colour effect and very popular for both autumn and spring. The Antirrhinum Avignon II series has been developed to perform under average light intensity and cool to moderate temperatures. This series is considered a typical group II series for the less extreme seasons. Avignon is planted towards the end of summer and throughout the winter period until early spring. High production and top quality flower stems follow in autumn and spring. This series can be grown both in greenhouses and outdoors. Combine with other Antirrhinum series of Evanthia, for a seamless year-round production programme.
Previously: Costa Apricot II
× 1000 pcs.

- Top quality in autumn and spring
- Robust stems and high uniformity
- Playful two-coloured variety
Discover the
Antirrhinum majus F1 Avignon Apricot II

- Properties
- Botanical name:Antirrhinum majus F1
- Common name:Snapdragon
- Family:Scrophulariaceae / Plantaginaceae
- Series name:Avignon II
- Product name:Antirrhinum majus F1 Avignon Apricot II
- Status:Evanthia Genetics
- Cultivation information
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At Evanthia, we are here to help. If you are looking for a new product of need specific cultivation advice, or to make an appointment, feel free to get in touch!