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Asparagus medeoloides smilax
Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax, a.k.a. Asparagus asparagoïdes, is a low-growing subtropical beauty, with a climbing and creeping habit. Unlike many other Asparagus that have needle-like leaves, A. medeoloïdes smilax has tiny, oval-shaped leaves. This gives this evergreen a soft and tender appearance, enhanced by its fresh, light green colour. Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax is super versatile. With its long trailing branches, it can be grown as a hanging plant, as well as a guided climber and is used for cut foliage too. Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax is native to subtropical parts of Southern Africa, where it grows as a perennial vine, mainly in rainfall zones. Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax is commonly known as Bridal creeper. Other internationally used common names for Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax are: African asparagus fern; Bridal veil creeper; Cape smilax; Florist's smilax; Smilax; Medeola, Smilax asparagus, Liane asperge. Evanthia has Asparagus medeoloïdes smilax starting material available all year round, as seed and young plants from seed. Ask our team for the Asparagus cultivation manual for commercial production. Check out all Asparagus in the Evanthia range.

- Versatile use as pot plant an cut foliage
- Climbing and creeping habit
- Decorative, soft appearance
Discover the
Asparagus medeoloides smilax

- Properties
- Botanical name:Asparagus medeoloides smilax
- Common name:Bridal veil creeper; Bridal creeper; African asparagus fern; Cape smilax; Florist's smilax; Smilax; Medeola, Smilax asparagus, Liane asperge
- Family:Asparagaceae
- Product group:Houseplant, Cut foliage
- Product name:Asparagus medeoloides smilax
- Properties:Air-purifying, Subtropical
- Cultivation information
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At Evanthia, we are here to help. If you are looking for a new product of need specific cultivation advice, or to make an appointment, feel free to get in touch!