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Brassica oleracea F1 Altair

Brassica Altair is a compact ornamental cabbage with a well-shaped crop of fringed, wavy leaves. Altair has a fresh olive-green colour with a purple blush. Brassica Altair can be sown outdoors from early spring to early summer, after which you can continue sowing in the greenhouse in summer. Harvesting can start about 14 to 16 weeks after sowing. Altair's leaf colouration is of early speed. In terms of length and cultivation period, this ornamental cabbage fits in nicely with the Empire series.
× 1000 pcs.
Brassica oleracea F1 Altair
  • Compact crop
  • Olive green with purple blush
  • Good lenghth

Discover the
Brassica oleracea F1 Altair

Brassica oleracea F1 Altair
  • Properties
    • Botanical name:Brassica oleracea F1
    • Common name:Sierkool
    • Family:Brassicaceae
    • Series name:Specialties
    • Product name:Brassica oleracea F1 Altair
    • Status:Evanthia Exclusive
  • Cultivation information
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At Evanthia, we are here to help. If you are looking for a new product of need specific cultivation advice, or to make an appointment, feel free to get in touch!
