Chamaerops humilis is a subtropical single-trunk palm tree, native to the Southern Europe and Northern Africa. It is also known as Dwarf Fan Palm or European Fan Palm. Other internationally used common names for Chamaerops humilis are: Mediterranean palm; Palmetto; Palma enana; Chamérops humble; palmier éventail; palmier nain. Evanthia has Chamaerops humilis seeds available all year round for commercial production. Average Chamaerops humilis seeds per kilo: 1.500.
Discover the Chamaerops humulis
Botanical name:Chamaerops humulis
Common name:Europese Dwergpalm; Dwarf Fan Palm; European Fan Palm; Mediterranean palm; Palmetto; Palma enana; Chamérops humble; palmier éventail; palmier nain.
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