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Freesia hybrida Royal Crown Blue

Freesia Royal Crown Blue brings bright, light blue flowers. The Freesia Royal Crown series is a colourful range of fragrant, large-flowered varieties with vibrant colours. The cluster-like flower stems have single or semi-double, successive flowers and bring colour for a long period. The advantage of this Royal Crown series from seed is that you can grow a virus-free Freesia, for both pot plant production and cut flower production. In the greenhouse you can sow from mid spring for a harvest in autumn. Outside you can sow the Freesia Royal Crown series until mid summer. The following spring you can harvest a beautiful product with sufficient stem length and exceptionally strong stems.
× 100 GR
Freesia hybrida Royal Crown Blue
  • Virus-free series from seed
  • Great vase life
  • Bright blue flowers

Discover the
Freesia hybrida Royal Crown Blue

Freesia hybrida Royal Crown Blue
  • Properties
    • Botanical name:Freesia hybrida
    • Common name:Freesia
    • Family:Iridaceae
    • Series name:Royal Crown
    • Product name:Freesia hybrida Royal Crown Blue
    • Status:Evanthia Genetics
  • Cultivation information
  • Downloads

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At Evanthia, we are here to help. If you are looking for a new product of need specific cultivation advice, or to make an appointment, feel free to get in touch!
