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Helianthus annuus F1 Starburst™ Panache

Helianthus Starburst™ Panache has remarkable semi-double, golden flowers and a dark center. The flowers are produced on branching plants and mature at a medium pace. Check out all Helianthus varieties Evanthia has to offer.
× 1000 pcs.
Helianthus annuus F1 Starburst™ Panache

    Discover the
    Helianthus annuus F1 Starburst™ Panache

    Helianthus annuus F1 Starburst™ Panache
    • Properties
      • Botanical name:Helianthus annuus F1
      • Common name:Sunflower
      • Family:Asteraceae
      • Series name:Starburst
      • Product name:Helianthus annuus F1 Starburst™ Panache
    • Cultivation information
    • Downloads

    How can we help you?

    At Evanthia, we are here to help. If you are looking for a new product of need specific cultivation advice, or to make an appointment, feel free to get in touch!
