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Matthiola incana Coselja Carmine

Two worlds meet... Coselja is a cross between a European and a Japanese Matthiola type. This results in a class of its own with darker green, more oval shaped leaves and somewhat larger flowers. The stems are longer, somewhat woodier and more robust, which ensures an excellent vase life. Matthiola Coselja Carmine produces dark purple/pink flower spikes with a sweet fragrance. You plant the Coselja series in winter until late spring for top quality from spring to summer. No fuss or extra work. The Matthiola Coselja series is easy to select for doubleness after a cold treatment, so you will start with an excellent series with 100% double flowers.
× 1000 pcs.
Matthiola incana Coselja Carmine
  • Larger flowers and darker leaves
  • Tall and robust stems
  • Excellent vase life

Discover the
Matthiola incana Coselja Carmine

Matthiola incana Coselja Carmine
  • Properties
    • Botanical name:Matthiola incana
    • Common name:Stock
    • Family:Brassicaceae
    • Series name:Coselja
    • Product name:Matthiola incana Coselja Carmine
    • Status:Evanthia Genetics
  • Cultivation information
  • Downloads

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At Evanthia, we are here to help. If you are looking for a new product of need specific cultivation advice, or to make an appointment, feel free to get in touch!
