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The 6 sparkling Syngoniums that will truly inspire your customers

Capture their hearts with these Arrow-head vines
7 April 2024 - 's-Gravenzande, the Netherlands
The 6 sparkling Syngoniums that will truly inspire your customers

The trend plant for the ultimate urban jungle experience is without a doubt Syngonium, or the Arrow-head vine! It’s so easy to fall in love with this pretty plant. Thanks to its compact plant structure and wide colour spectrum, Syngonium fits into any interior. It is an easy plant to look after, and if it has had a little less attention Syngonium quickly recovers after some extra TLC. These beautiful plants do well in pots and hanging baskets, whether mixed or not. By nature, Syngonium is a true climber, so with a little help from a moss pole or trellis, you can support it nicely in any direction.


Evanthia supplies a wide range of Syngonium all year round as young plants from tissue culture. Want to get started quickly? Right now we have Syngonium Golden and Syngonium Pixie readily available in tray 84.



Why you'd want to start with Syngonium today

Syngonium fits into a pot size range of 9 to 15 cm pots. They are relatively easy to grow and quick to finish, with very uniform varieties. As a result, large lots of Syngonium can be delivered in a short time frame, which makes them very suitable for promotional sales. The different colours are well-matched and great to offer in mixed trays. Syngonium cultivation can be combined well with the cultivation of other tropical stunners from the Araceae family, such as Philodendron. But Asparagus too makes for a great greenhouse companion.

Why you'd want to start with Syngonium today
Evanthia now has Syngonium Neon readily available

Did you know this fun fact about Syngonium?

Syngonium is not just another static houseplant. There is a lot that’s happening in the pot and Syngonium never ceases to surprise. The leaves of the Arrow-head vine change shape and colour over time. Take Syngonium White Butterfly: the young leaves have a heart-shaped base and become more pointed and arrow-shaped. The leaf colour changes from deep, dark green to more fresh, light green with a white/yellow glow from the main vein. All our varieties have this exciting feature and each new leaf brings a new momentum.

Did you know this fun fact about Syngonium?
Syngonium White Butterfly

Want to receive Syngonium swiftly?

Contact our team for ordering or more information. We are happy to support you with assortment advice and cultivation guidance. If you first want to read up a bit more and see whether Syngonium fits into your range, request our Syngonium cultivation guide.