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Asparagus - It's all in the family

Green plants are HOT! And with Asparagus fern you can go in so many different directions, it might dazzle you. Asparagus is a true all-rounder, reliable, easy to grow and useful in a wide variety of situations… not to mention all the different shapes, forms and growth habits.
Evanthia offers starting material in the widest range of ornamental Asparagus and has build up a lot of technical knowledge and experience, to help you get started. Our in-house experts are happy to answer all your questions and requests.
Now widely available: seeds of the beloved Asparagus Cwebe, A. mazeppa, A. meyerii, A. myriocladus, A. Sprengerii, A. smilax, A. plumosus nanus, A. Pyramidalis, A. falcatus and A. virgatus. Order the start material today and start growing Asparagus as a houseplant, garden plant or cut green.
Asparagus mazeppa
Special attention to this beauty!
With lush, voluminous plume-like stems, A. mazeppa is a feast for the eyes. This asparagus can be sold as a houseplant as well as a garden plant. Thanks to its sturdy arching stems, A. mazeppa is excellent for use in large pots, hanging baskets and as groundcover in rock gardens and along the edges of raised borders. It has a vigorous, fast-growing habit and in cultivation A. mazeppa combines well with the many other Asparagus varieties in our range.

One BIG happy family
Asparagus fern is a super versatile, stunning ornamental shrub, native to (sub)tropical parts of southeastern Africa. Its common name – Asparagus fern – is a bit deceptive. It is not a true fern at all, but a member of the Asparagaceae or Liliaceae family (depending on the classification system you use). Along with the edible Asparagus officinalis, the ornamental Asparagus belongs to the genus Asparagus, which includes over 300 other species. A huge and very diverse clan.
Growing Asparagus fern gives you many options and a sense of ease. As one of the fastest-growing and least demanding plants, these glorious greens are highly adaptable to various climates. They are fairly drought tolerant and can handle relatively cool temperatures and shady to bright light conditions (avoiding direct sunlight). You can grow them as long-lasting cut foliage, in pots and even – since some are quite root hardy – for landscaping. Go for a hanging or upright focal point and pick sturdy or soft and fuzzy items for your range. There is so much to choose from.
As any great family, the Asparagus family has many curious characters, that make it so interesting. To name a few:
- The crazy aunt – A. pyramidalis, which forms shoots of fern-like plumes, with a dense pyramid-like growth.
- A super hot niece – A. meyerii with gorgeous, seductive long foxtail plumes.
- The funny cousin – A. plumosus nanus; a climber with frivolous, fine-needled branches. Great item to dye in extravagant colours and use as an accent to boost floral designs.
- A prickly uncle – A. falcatus featuring long sickle-shaped leaves and woody stems with thorns.
- The outsider – A. medeoloïdes smilax with tiny, fresh green, oval shaped leaves, which is in a class of its own and so different from all other Asparagus.
Your unique Asparagus range
Prefer to start with young plants? No problem. Depending on the variety you want, we have them available for you between 8 and 12 weeks. As a highly popular item, Asparagus supplies may vary daily. Ask our team for variety advice and current availability of starting material. We can give you insight in our stock and upcoming deliveries, so you can be the first to receive the new harvest. Looking for a specific Asparagus species or variety that is not mentioned on our website? This doesn’t mean we can not get our hands on them too! We have the connections and are happy to team up with you to make a planning for your unique Asparagus range.

A line-up of green stunners
Let’s shake the feathers and fluff the tufts! A few of our key varieties show-off their best assets in a new lifestyle video. Check out some of our most alluring Asparagus family members and share your thoughts on them with us.
Are you interested in ordering Asparagus seeds or young plants? Could you use some technical advice on cultivation? Need help choosing the right varieties for your specific business? Please contact our Sales Team. We can tell you all about Asparagus and make you a quotation. You can reach us by phone on +31 174 715 103, by e-mail: sales@evanthia.nl or you can contact one of our team members directly.
- Koende JongsteTeam Leader Sales Support & Sales Manager Tropical